Invite: Unlocking Collaboration Opportunities in Cape Town’s Industrial Areas
Dear Stakeholder
GreenCape’s Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme (WISP) will be hosting a workshop aimed at Unlocking Opportunities for Business Collaboration in Cape Town’s Industrial Areas.
Over the last 4 years as part of the city’s resilience strategy the Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme has engaged with businesses across several industrial areas to identify opportunities for business collaboration. With the aim of enhancing individual business’ resilience and consequently the resilience of the overall industrial area. These localised studies highlighted a range of insights and opportunities that can be applied across the city’s various industrial areas.
WISP would like to take the opportunity to share some of these learnings with you.
Aspects that will be covered at the workshop are detailed below:
- Role of GreenCape and the Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme
- Insights, challenges and opportunities identified from material flow studies in several industrial areas
- Additional support opportunities identified by businesses in the respective industrial areas
Please Register for the workshop with the following link.