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Productivity Efficiency Programme

Dear CID Colleagues

The attached documents refer.  The City is involved in a collaborative effort with Productivity South Africa to assist SMMEs who are invited to participate in a programme aimed at assisting businesses increase their productivity and efficiencies. Accordingly you are requested to share this information with your constituents which then extends the invitation to the SMMEs in your area to participate in the programme.

Herewith a brief summary as to the requirements and how to enrol  for the programme.

Business who apply should be employing between 15 and 50 staff members and be able to supply all documentation as per the application form. Business should also be able to supply financial statements and/or management accounts for at least 3 years, up to September 2021, in order for Productivity SA to do a thorough financial assessment.

Enrol and benefit from the programme in these easy steps:

Step 1: Businesses who wish to participate can apply by sending an email (with the heading: Productivity Efficiency Programme) to the City’s Business Hub at ‘business.support@capetown.gov.za’ and receive an application form.

Step 2: Businesses will submit the application form with supporting documents as mentioned in the application form.

Step 3: Upon approval, Productivity South Africa will undertake an assessment of the business operations including financial and operational performance.

Step 4: A comprehensive business analysis and work plan will be developed by Productivity SA.

Should you require additional information please contact Roslyn Sparks as per her contact details in the subjoined email.

Kind regards

Eddie Scott

Manager : CIDs

Directorate: Spatial Planning and Environment




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