Special Rating Area (SRA) – Montague Gardens – Marconi Beam Improvement District (MMID)
9 June 2017 | |
Dear Client/ Mxhasi-nkonzo obekekileyo/ Geagte Kliënt
Montague Gardens – Marconi Beam Improvement District (MMID) At the Council meeting on 26 April 2017, the area Montague Gardens – Marconi Beam in Milnerton was declared a special rating area (SRA) in terms of the City’s Special Rating Area By-law effective from 1 July 2017. For further information, visit https://mmid.org.za or contact the Steering Committee on 021 551 9777. ISithili soPhuculo saseMontague Gardens-Marconi Beam Improvement District (MMID) Kwintlanganiso yeBhunga yangomhla wama-26 kuCanzibe 2017, ummandla waseMontague Gardens – Marconi Beam eMilnerton ubhengezwe njengommandla ongeerhafu ezizodwa (SRA), ngokungqinelana noMthetho kaMasipala ongoMmandla ongeeRhafu ezoZodwa ukuqala ngowo-1 kweyeKhala 2017. Ngezinye iinkcukacha, ndwendwela kwa-https://mmid.org.za okanye uqhagamshelane nekomiti elawulayo ku-021 551 9777. Stadsverbeteringsdistrik vir Montague Gardens-Marconi Beam (MMID) Die gebied Montague Gardens – Marconi Beam in Milnerton is tydens die Raadsvergadering op 26 April 2017 as ‘n spesiale-aanslaggebied (SRA) verklaar met ingang van 1 Julie 2017 ingevolge die Stad se Verordening op Spesiale-aanslaggebiede. Vir nog inligting, gaan na https://mmid.org.za of kontak die beheerkomitee by 021 551 9777. Yours faithfully/ Ozithobileyo/ Die uwe Eddie Scott Manager: CIDs |
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